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Products and Services


Products: Welcome

Wholesale Cherries

Our products and services are backed by fifty years of experience in the cherry business.


Frozen Tart Cherries

Our Michigan growers take special care in producing the finest Montmorency and Balaton cherries. Our pitting equipment is superior in the industry, and we take pride in providing the highest quality fruit to our customers.


Our sales representative will be happy to assist you with purchasing some of the tastiest tart cherries in the world to use in your recipe!


   IQF 40# Net Wt. Cartons

   IQF Bulk Totes

   Frozen 5+1 Net Wt. 30# Pails


Custom pack styles may also be arranged.

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Frozen Sweet Cherries

Nothing says summer more than dark sweet cherries!

Our dark sweet cherries are grown to perfection by our own local farmers, sized, pitted, and individually quick frozen. Delicious flavor ready for your favorite recipe!


IQF whole in 40# cartons

20-22 mm, Over 22 mm


Custom pack styles may also be arranged.

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Sweet Cherries Preserved in Brine Solution

Our locally grown sweet cherries are perfectly sized and preserved, ready for glacee or maraschino finishing.


Whole or sliced

Pitted or unpitted

18-20 mm, 20-22 mm, 22+

Packed in macrobins or barrels

Products: Products

Cherry Pits

Sustainable Solutions for Natural Food Waste


Our Byproduct Business is in the Pits!

Cherry pits are an excellent source of biofuel for heating homes or buildings.

Our pits are scrubbed and dried and are ready for you to pick up from our plant in Kewadin, Michigan.


40 lb Bag ~ $10.00/Bag

50 Bag Pallet ~ $300.00(Includes Pallet)

1,000 lb Supersack ~ $120.00/Sack

Bulk Pits ~ $165.00/Ton



Kayaking into Sunset

Environmental Sustainability

Scholarly research has shown, cherry pits once destined for landfill may be converted to biochars and used in soil amendments to filter runoff into the abundant lakes of the cherry growing region. This process can remove metal contaminants from drinking water, while also greatly reducing the environmental impact of the cherry processing industry.

Zoe A. Pollard and Jillian L. Goldfarb,

"Valorization of Cherry Pits: Great Lakes Agro-industrial Waste to Mediate Great Lakes Water Quality."

Environmental Pollution, vol. 270, 1 Feb., 2021, 116073.

Retail Products

Only the best fruit products made with your health and wellness in mind

Dried Cherries
Dried Chocolate-Covered Cherries
No Added Sugar Dried Cherries
Tart Cherry Juice
Cherry Juice Concentrate
Wellness Supplements

Products: About
Products: Products
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